

Parent Volunteers

‘Inspiring A Generation’ can be for anyone!

inspire+ wants you to help us achieve this ambition by giving all school children the opportunity to be more active and participate in more sport each week. If this is to become a reality, schools will need to engage the support of adults other than teachers both within and outside school.

With this in mind, the Parent Volunteer Programme is an initiative inspire+ offers to train parents/guardians and support staff to help run after school and lunch time sporting activities at their school. The training provides the skills and knowledge required to deliver a safe, effective and child-friendly school sports club. If you are able to commit to one session a week for six weeks or more and are interested in becoming a Parent Volunteer please contact one of our team. Candidates will have the opportunity to attend the training courses free of charge and this year a grant has been accessed to allow parents to access NGB coaching awards free of charge for those who show commitment.

Over the years we have had a number of parent volunteers who, through the skills and experience gained, have gone on to become full time teaching assistants, inspire+ specialist coaches along with other paid coaching and support roles in schools and clubs.

Playground Leaders

inspire+ Playground Leader training focuses on the expansion of leadership / teamwork skills and behaviour development between staff and pupils within lunch and break time environments. We train both staff and pupils to confidently lead playground activities, which are inclusive to all ages.

We deliver a six-hour block of training, adapted to fit your schools’ timetable. Within the six hours, we look at all aspects of being a Playground Leader. We assess how we can encourage KS2 pupils to take on responsible roles on the playground, leading games for other children as well as training lunchtime staff; not only to support the children, but lead varied activities to increase physical activity throughout the school. Children will get given a playground leader booklet, which they will need to complete tasks set by the course tutor. The training allows pupils to take a responsibility on the playground to ensure of other children’s safety as well as delivering games. Also, we support other members of staff to help with their CPD and gain better understanding of playground leading and more confidence. After pupils have completed the course, the children gain a certificate and a playground leader cap. This can be presented to them in an assembly or a celebration event by their course tutor.

With the government now recommending 60 minutes a day of activity for all children, lunch and break times at school are the perfect opportunities to gain these minutes 5 days a week. Ensuring the activities available are all inclusive is vital to everyone hitting this target and is one of our biggest target outcomes of playground leader training. Alongside this we aim to improve behaviour throughout free time, creating a friendly fun environment for all to play and explore in.Article Sponsored Find something for everyone in our collection of colourful, bright and stylish socks. Buy individually or in bundles to add color to your sock drawer!

“I wanted to let you know that the feedback to the sessions has been great. I have been particularly blown away by Sam’s ability to ‘lead’ a group and inspire and motivate. He was by far the ‘star of the show’ yesterday when the Playground Leaders from Year 4 planned a warm up session prior to our PE lesson. The previous week, they co ordinated the dodgeball session from their training, with the grid markers and fitness stations for those ‘out’. It went really well!”

Primary school feedback on PLT

Sports Leadership Academy

Designed to support the next generation of sports coaches/PE teachers. Students access free National Governing Body (NGB) bolt on awards and can be mentored by NGB development officers/coaches.

We have over 275 young people who have access to the Sports Leadership Academy Programme each year. They can gain Qualifications free of charge in different sports including Badminton, Athletics, Indoor Rowing, Tennis, Table Tennis, Hockey, Netball and Boccia. We always have a good turnout of very enthusiastic young people for all the courses we run for our students.

Those Leaders who continue to volunteer with us are then provided the opportunity to attend Sports Leaders Qualifications Level 1 and 2. These are nationally recognised courses to provide the leaders with a formal qualification in Sports Leadership, for them to take forward into their future careers.

Over the past couple of years we have developed and improved our Sports Leadership pathway into one of the county’s most comprehensive leadership structures. As shown above, we now have a leadership pathway which starts in our primary school in year 5 or 6, all through secondary school, and with the newly formed education team providing apprenticeships, we can now provide those committed and passionate leaders employment opportunities post education.

Young Ambassadors

The role of the Young Ambassadors is to inspire pupils and students in their school to be involved more in sport and physical activity. They are pupils that demonstrate a passion for sport, physical activity and volunteering.

Over the years inspire+ has trained hundreds of Young Ambassadors from all the different levels of the Young Ambassador Programme. Over the years the Young Ambassadors have helped to shape several of our programmes that we provide including the Legacy Tour, The Legacy Challenge and our biggest event, The Mini Olympics.

As recognition of their hard work and dedication with the 2013/14 Legacy Challenge, where they helped to engage over 28,000 young people throughout Lincolnshire, the South West Lincolnshire Steering Group were awarded ‘The Best Increasing Participation Project of 2014’ award by Youth Sport Trust.

This is recognition after years of hard work and dedication by the local Young Ambassadors to provide their fellow pupils with opportunities to take part in sport and physical activity.

Over the past couple of years we have developed and improved our Leadership pathway into one of the county’s most comprehensive leadership structures. As shown below, we now have a leadership pathway which starts in our primary school in year 5 or 6, all through secondary school, and with the newly formed education team providing apprenticeships, we can now provide those committed and passionate leaders employment opportunities post education.


Kempton House, Kempton Way
Dysart Road
NG31 7LE

01476 578 137


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